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Cross residencies between artist and critic
Aunt Martine's

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Cross Residence 

22.02.2021 - 30.04.2021

Yang Yi and Horya Makhlouf


It has now been 2 years since the Maison des arts de Beijing - Yishu 8, inaugurated its Parisian house: Chez Tante Martine. True to the spirit of Yishu 8, this apartment in the 8th arrondissement has been designed as a place to live and a place of envy:  the desire to support young Chinese creation, the desire to create Sino-French bridges, the desire to initiate encounters. We want to offer moments, which are so rare today, of conviviality around young talents. From this increased desire to preserve ties, was born the idea of a Cross Residence. 

Yang Yi, a young painter who graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, settled for a month with Aunt Martine. She slept there, she worked there, drawing inspiration from the light that entered the apartment and the shadows that formed on its walls. 

It is then up to Horya Maklhouf, co-founder of the collective and the magazine Jeune Critique d'Art, to take over the premises and live with the works proposed by Yang Yi. An intimate relationship with the works and the place has been created for the author.

This shared residence allowed them to discover each other through their mutual work, to consolidate the meeting initiated by the Yishu 8 association, and thus to create a luminous and friendly Franco-Chinese dialogue. 

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